#RosalíaTe en Escocia
En Escocia En Galego celebra o Día de Rosalía desde Escocia
O meu perfil en Academia.edu
I have just updated my profile and some of my publications on Academia.edu
Diasporic Marvellous Realism reviewed within volume 32 of the Recherche Littéraire / Literary Resear
Diasporic Marvellous Realism: History, Identity and Memory in Caribbean Fiction reviewed within volume 32 of the Recherche Littéraire /...
New bibliography entry published by The Journal of Commonwealth Literature
My annual bibliography entry for the Caribbean has been published by The Journal of Commonwealth Literature in its 51.4 issue. I am truly...
"Malas madres in contemporary Latin American literature", my chapter in the Bad Mothers an
I’m so happy to announce that the first major publication from my new research project is about to be released: “Malas madres in...
Congreso na UStAndrews sobre as representacións culturais da diáspora galega
Hoxe anunciouse o congreso “Identidades en transición: representacións culturais da diáspora galega” que terá lugar na University of St...
Charla en Ciclo de Conferencias da UCoruña
O luns 17 de outubro do 2017, ás 12:00hrs, darei unha charla no Ciclo de Conferencias New Trends in English Studies XII que organiza o...
Entrevista de Ramiro Torres para Palavra Comum
Aquí deixo o enlace á entrevista que me fixo Ramiro Torres para a revista de artes e letras Palavra Comum. Moi obrigada polas preguntas!...
A miña entrevista a Yolanda Castaño para EnEscociaEnGalego
http://axendaaelg.blogaliza.org/2016/09/15/entrevista-de-maria-alonso-a-yolanda-castano-desde-escocia/ http://mariaalonsoalonso.wixsite.c...
Workshop on Latin American Studies at IASH
Hoxe, no IASH da Universidade de Edimburgo, terá lugar o workshop NEW PERSPECTIVES FOR EARLY-CAREER RESEARCHERS ON LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES...