Writer / Teacher / Researcher / Facilitator
PhD in Literature
MA in English Studies
MA in Applied Linguistics
BA Hons in English Philology
BA in Hispanic Philology
Son unha das malas herbas que abrollou en Matamá, na veciñanza de Vigo, nunha primavera ao cabo da infame década dos setenta. Exerzo a miña faceta creativa de madrugada, antes de que aparezan as primeiras luces do dÃa e, con elas, intento triunfar na vida no meu tempo libre con diversos traballos que varÃan dependendo da conxuntura do momento e do lugar.
Nestes momentos estou a vivir en Edimburgo, lugar do que veño e vou aos poucos para intentar paliar a saudade que acompaña a morriña por estar lonxe da miña xente. A escrita sÃrveme de revulsivo e, por iso, nos meus traballos pódense atopar escenas grotescas, decadentes e gores, resultado da frustración que xurde, entre outras cousas, ao ter que se buscar unha a vida en terras estrañas.
About me
I arrived in Edinburgh to attend a creative writing course over summer 2012 and I decided to stay; why wouldn't I? Travelling between my home and host countries every now and again since then, I've been keeping myself quite busy working, studying and writing poetry and fiction texts in the Galician language, some of which have been published and even recognised with literary prizes. I obtained a PhD in Literature in 2014 and my first novel, a post-human dystopia entitled Despois do cataclismo and also written in the Galician language, appeared in 2015. I was also one of the Edinburgh-based emerging writer invited to participate in the 'Writing Edinburgh: Responding to Place' creative lab convened by LitLong Edinburgh in 2016. For now, I'm working on a number of academic and creative writing projects, while my first texts of fiction in English are getting published. I'm also the facilitator of the En Escocia, En Galego work-in-progress project, aimed at promoting the Galician language and culture in Scotland.