Entrevista a Helena Salgueiro para EnEscociaEnGalego
Xa está dispoñible a entrevista que lle fixen a Helena Salgueiro Golán, bolseira galega do Traverse Theatre de Edimburgo, para En Escocia...
En Escocia En Galego en Un País Mundial da Radio Galega
A iniciativa que iniciei a través de En Escocia En Galego para manter a ruta Vigo-Edimburgo con Ryanair forma parte do programa Un País...
XIII Congreso da AEELH
Do 11 ao 14 de setembro ten lugar o XIII congreso da Asociacion Espanola de Estudios Literarios Hispanicos, titulado "Mi casa esta en la...
Transmigrantes en ONDA
Transmigrantes, fillas da precariedade forma parte de ONDA (Observatorio da Nova Diáspora), un proxecto multidisciplinar e ben...
Noir Aesthetics in World Literatures, University of Edinburgh
The Noir Aesthetics in World Literatures symposium, that I organise at the University of Edinburgh, will take place this Friday 15th...
My paper at the 2018 AHGBI Conference
On Tuesday 27th March, I will participate in the 2018 conference organised by the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland,...
My new publication on the Caribbean diaspora
I am delighted to share my new publication on the Caribbean diaspora, "Pursuing the Indo-Caribbean Diaspora through Ramabai Espinet's The...
My poem "This is Edinburgh to Me at Night" on Sunny Govan Radio Scotland
Sunny Govan Radio Scotland will feature what is to become my first poem in English, "This is Edinburgh to Me at Night", live on Sunday...
Rosalía polo Edinburgh University Chamber Choir
Este venres terei o pracer de presentar "Has de cantar", poema de Rosalía de Castro, á audiencia asistente ao concerto ofrecido polo...